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Fintech Reporting and Reconciliation, made simple with Kani

Save precious time and money on your essential payment reporting and reconciliation processes.

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Reporting & Reconciliation Tools

BIN sponsors, challenger banks, acquirers and other FinTechs are using our software to do weeks’ of transaction reporting and reconciliation work in under 30 seconds.

Reconciliation Platform

We know reconciliation is tough. Kani lets you reconcile complex and contrasting data sets in minutes, saving you time, cost and effort in the process.

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Transaction Reporting

Kani integrates with your existing transaction reporting software to automatically generate bespoke reports for your specific needs.

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Kani can automatically generate Mastercard QMR and the newly added changes on the Visa GOC card scheme reports so you can be sure they’re taken care of.

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Business Intelligence

Data is king! Use Kani to dig deep into those numbers and make informed decisions about your business activities.

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Payment Gurus

Our payment gurus are FinTech and payments industry experts. We understand your challenges and are here to help.

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With Kani, you’re winning

A fully-maintained back-office system

Forget about spending money to build and maintain your own system. Our team is continually developing new financial reporting and reconciliation features so you don't have to.

Experts in financial reconciliation and reporting

Financial reconciliation is complicated but we really do get it. We built Kani for FinTech companies to prevent financial loss and ensure regulatory and scheme compliance – our software does the leg work for you.

Security and compliance for FinTech companies

Take a load off and let us reduce your risk. Kani is PCI, DSS and GDPR compliant by design, and is constantly updated to remain so. Nice!

Define ‘Canny’

/’kani’/ Adjective
  1. Someone who is careful or clever with money, a bit like our customers.
  2. Northern Eastern English or Scottish Slang for a good, genuine person. Also like our customers! Example: “She’s a canny lass”

Used and trusted by many FinTech companies

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